Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I want to play

Yes I do, I want to play and I'm sure there are others. Not everybody is willing to admit to that. Well I'm ready and brave enough. I admit it. That's what I want. I want to play.

Life is not easy and we are way too serious most of the time. So this is my resolution, I know it's not New Year's, but who said you can't have June or July resolutions. Now I just have to figure out a way that will seem at least somewhat acceptable for the rest of society.

See I think that we could use play in almost all of the everyday situations. The workplace - it just screams for it. The daily commute - let's see, if I let every car that's not yellow to cut in front of me in traffic, how long would it take to get the finger from the driver behind me? OK, maybe it'll add few minutes, but I could feel better about the whole trip. Then there's relationships, it's already all play, not all fun play though. We need to work on that. Sex - need I say more, without play and being fun it's just a release, then again with fun play - it's the best thing possible.

Distinguished psychologist, ethologist, affective neuroscientist, and one of the greatest intellectual troublemakers of 20th century Jaak Panksepp discovered that play offers another arena for social epigenetics. His work identified a specific compound generated during play that drives genetic transcription. His findings add new significance to every child's universal yearning and to mine and I have a feeling to your's as well.

I want to play just means that everything that's going on gets suspended in "as if" reality. That can only happen in relatively safe environment. Well ... where could that be in the beginning of 21st century? Too many family environments are dysfunctional. TV? Not really an environment, still more like moving pictures invented in the beginning of the previous century. Facebook or Orkut? Basically schoolyard bullies who are spying on us just to tell on us, all the while taking our lunch money. I personally think it does not exist.

So here I am with my brand new resolution, but no good outlet. Guess what? This whole thing requires a simple action. Letting go. Saying ... fuck it. I want to play.

All you marketing people out there are you getting this? I' m not alone and we are not afraid. If anything we are bored. So what are you scared of? We are ready and you can make money off us. Let's play.

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