Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Google, Skype and Twitter are making me dumb, cheap and lazy.

...and I don't care.

I no longer even try to remember the way to spell words like accommodate or conscientious. I'll just let Googles recently updated algorithm for misspellings do the work. Type in couple of letters and voilà - done. Who needs grammar.

I no longer understand why do I have to pay the phone company. Skype is free, Fring that puts Skype on my mobile is free. Paying for something like that just seems so unfair. I think even the phone companies are starting to get it, that's why they're cutting back on offering free WiFi. They used to do it more. This must be their last stand.

I no longer check my RSS or News feeds, I just keep Twitter open and if there's anything even remotely significant happening, I"ll know about it in seconds. Lazy - yes, but efficient lazy.

So here we go, say it out loud - I'm dumb, cheap, lazy and proud of it.