Here goes the
# 1 of my resolutions, but just to get 2009 off on a right track, I need to be fair and let everybody know that they did not raise the price of monthly membership. Maybe it's me, maybe it's them being nice and understanding, or maybe it's just a federal law that prohibits raising the price if a client was signed to a contract with the club before it was sold. What do you think?
In any case the amount stays the same. Here's their letter:
Hea MyFitness Rocca al Mare klient,
Täname Sind usalduse eest, et oled sportimiseks valinud MyFitness Rocca al Mare fitness-klubi!
Anname Sulle teada, et Sinu liikmelisuse leping, mis on sõlmitud Coral Club OÜ-ga, hakkab lõppema. Kehtivusaja lõpp on 31.12.2008. Selleks, et saaksid muretult endistel soodustingimustel treeninguid jätkata, palume Sul lähiajal pöörduda kliendihalduri poole, et sõlmida leping My Fitness OÜ-ga.
Sinule, kui pikaajalisele klubiliikmele, pakume väga häid tingimusi jätkamaks MyFitness kliendina, kuutasu jääb samaks!
Tavahinnad uutele liitujatele on tunduvalt kõrgemad.
Soodustingimustel liitumine kehtib vaid Sinule kuni 31.12.2008.
Meeldivaid treeninguid meie klubis!
MyFitness Rocca al Mare meeskond
Wait a second...I needed to sign something before 01.01.2009. Crap. Does that mean that I still need to look for a new place to work out? Plus I now own several black and red MyFitness towels that are not available for rent, just sales. In case you don't remember I was not happy about that
For conclusion: I was on the stationary bike today and some what bored, so I ended up reading their club rules. Who in their right mind works the term
"Force Majeure" into gym rules? ... and I can't help myself... I just have to add this ... misspells it.